Monday, April 27, 2009


As usual, I am trying to improve my life by improving myself. I want to focus more on counting my blessing, then on looking at the things that go wrong! I have been thinking a lot lately about all those people who have been dealt impossible cards and yet their faith in God gets them through. I often wonder how I would do in those situations and I don't believe I could handle it!
I have recently read two stories about sick babies. One family lost their 10 month old daughter to cancer and another family is struggling to keep their 10 month old daughter alive being born 12 weeks early and never having been home yet! Kayleigh is losing her battle! I look at my three beautiful and healthy kids and I feel horrible that I take it for granted! I want to make the most of every day that I have with them and not have any regrets!! I believe in God but think that it's time to make him a bigger part of my life, and the lives of my children! I'm not sure how I am going to go about that because I have never been a regular church attendant. It wasn't stressed when I was a child and I haven't made it a part of my life as an adult. The last time I was in a church was my grandmothers funeral over three years ago!
There is a church up the road that I am seriously considering attending. I am planning on talking to my mom about helping me take the kids this Sunday. The kids have appropriate clothes to wear but I'm not sure that I can fit into any of the clothes that I own that are appropriate. Anyway, the point to this is that I am going to try and use this blog to count my blessing and celebrate them!


I have three healthy children!
I have a husband that loves me!
I have a mother willing to help me all the time!
My family loves my kids and would do anything for them!
I have a nice roof over my head!
I have transportation for myself and my kids!
Riley's speech is improving!
Kaitlyn is gaining weight nicely!
My kids have more then what they need!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Last night!

Well I survived last night, which at the time I just wasn't sure! I still have concerns but no way to know for sure if I have lost my mind or not anyway so I am trying not to think about it!

More news of the weird, my MIL told me that she has been diagnosed with MS. I am hesitant to believe her because she has a tendency to exaggerate things, but it would explain some things if it were true! She will ask you the same question three times in a five minute phone call and honestly not remember the answer. And it has been getting worse. But we shall see. Well sleep deprivation from last nights events has worn me out and I need to sleep while my youngest is asleep! Haha, she will probably be up within the hour!


I can't believe that it has been over a year since I have been on here! I have gotten moved, gotten pregnant and had a baby since I was last on here. I know why I stopped writing here, because things were pretty good at home and I didn't need that outlet and when I did need it I didn't thinking that posting it here was really appropriate. Now, I really have no where else to go. I feel bad burdening my friends with hormonal overreactions caused by having a baby and realizing this really will be my last barring a miracle. Knowing that this is really a good thing because of financal and sanity reasons doesn't stop me from being a little sad about it. It also made me realize some things that might have been better hiden from view!