Saturday, June 7, 2014

What do you think determines how you view life? Do you believe it's innate, learned or a combination there of? 

We have all heard stories of those who have overcome great odds, terrible childhoods, or events that seem impossible. What is it they have, that some of us lack? What enables them to keep going, even smiling through the pain? 

These questions have been running around in my head for awhile now, usually just in passing, but have been in the forefront the last few days. Most of us have faced times or situations that require us to draw on an inner strength we didn't know we had or times we wish we'd had more. 

When you look back at those times, can you understand how you made it through? Or do you chalk it up to luck or a Higher Power? 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

On the eve of my middle child's 7th birthday, I find myself a bit lost. Lost between awe and sorrow. Awe that it has been seven years since I gave birth to my beautiful first born daughter, since I became the mother of two, since I saw my grandmother in her deep blue eyes. Sorrow that her first years have flown by, that that is time that I will never get back. A whole host of firsts gone.

While I know this melancholy will pass, and there are plenty of bright days ahead, for now I let the tears and thoughts of yesterday flow.