Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can't sleep!

I have realized tonight that I am a glutton for punishment. I have been sitting here at the computer for hours reading about all these parents losses! I have been bawling my eyes out and I can't seem to stop! For every one link of love and loss there are five more. I have all to often wondered recently what I did to deserve my luck. I have three wonderful children who I all to often take for granted. I grieved hard over the loss of a very early miscarriage and there are all these women who have had to hold their babies as they go to meet Our Father. I just can't imagine. I love God and I believe that there is a reason for everything, but I'm not sure I could survive losing one of my kids. They are my life, the reason I get out of bed, the reason I carry on! So as I read these stories and move onto the next I feel like if I don't keep going I am dishonoring these poor babies and their parents.

Yes I realize that I need help most days! :)

I want so badly to be as strong as these women. I want so badly to be as good a mother as I know that these women would be given the chance. They only got to love and their love is so pure and unfailing. Their faith, extraordinary!

I feel like a sad excuse for a mother most days. What makes a mother Great? I wish I knew. I know it involves patience which is why I am sure I may never fall into the great category. I worry every day that I am teaching my three kids to be horrible parents and I want nothing more then to be a good role model for them, to lead them in the right direction so that this bad parenting won't filter down another generation!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Just know that you were chosen especially for your children. And, we all do what we need to when the moment arises. We don't know what we are capable of until things hit the fan so to speak. I'm not sure what bad parenting you are alluding to as I just clicked on your blog tonight, but know that when we ask for wisdom God grants it so just keep seeking Him in your parenting and you'll be fine.
    I look forward to getting to know you a little more through the blogosphere. :)
