Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane

So I think this is a fabulous idea and I want to write down real quick one of those passing memories that are forgotten so easily as time passes. Today in the car on my way to deliver some things to my hubby that he forgot, I was listening to a song on the radio...completely absorbed. From the back seat I hear my son saying under his breath "Turn, turn." I look to my left and sure enough I am about to pass my turn. Because of a not yet 4 year old, I was able to safely make that turn. I just started laughing. I want to remember the little things like that when I am older. I want to tell Riley how smart he was even at 4 when he is 20.

Thanks to Lynette, cause I never would have written that down otherwise!


  1. That is so cute!! Aren't they so smart? My 4 year old is so funny. She says the greatest things at the funniest times. I'm glad your son was able to help you out! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing, yes, we need to write down those sweet little things they do.

    I find that if I don't write it down, I will totally forget, and they are so precious.

  3. Oh, how cute that is! How funny that a 4 year old knew his way around. LOL. This is such a great idea to document the things you always want to remember. Did you know that you can create a book of your blog. I saw it posted on another blog. I may look into it because it would make a great gift.

  4. That's exactly why I started Wednesday's Walk. Those little memories (or big memories) will bless us abundantly some day in the future. Sometimes we forget to document them and then we regret it.

    By the way, that is just too cute. He had it all figured out didn't he? hee hee He's a smarty.
