Sunday, December 9, 2007

So I decorated Thursday night...

and I am really glad that I did. Riley loves the lights and the penguin decorations that we have on it. I was looking at it tonight, thinking that all the balls hanging all pretty and shiny. I was thinking that they are like hopes and dreams just hanging there waiting to be picked. For every decoration there is a hope or dream that I have for my kids. A good memory, a good day. This sounded a lot better in my head, but I guess you get my drift. I don't know if I have made the best choices in my life and I have more choices to make here in the near future that may affect my kids. I can only pray that those hopes and dreams hanging there now come true in the future and that I can be the best mother I can be to my kids. That they grow up happy and healthy and that my choices don't hurt them in the long run. I love them more than anything in the world and I can't imagine life without them. I just know that "Constantly Improving" is what I need to be doing more than ever right now.

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