Thursday, December 6, 2007

So it's December...

and Christmas is almost here. I am sitting here thinking how lucky I am to have my kids, my husband and my mom around me this time of year, but also missing my grandparents so much it is papable. We always did Christmas at their house and it was always so special. There were traditions that just can't be done now that they are gone. I know that they wouldn't want me to be upset that they are gone when I had so many years with both of them but I can't seem to help myself. I haven't yet decorated but will have it done by Sunday if it kills me. Maybe once I have it will help. I want to make Christmas as special for my kids as it was made for me. I want them to have that warm feeling no matter how bad the rest of the year may have gone. You should always for a few days have that peace, that feeling of love. I hope that all of you have a great Christmas and that you have that peace.

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