Saturday, November 24, 2007

I survived today!!

Yes, I did, and I must say it wasn't easy.

Riley started off the morning well, for about an hour. Once breakfast was over, his inner demon came out. So when I could tolerate being in the house no more, I decided to tire him out. So around the block we went and kick the ball around the back yard. That tied us over to lunch. I decided there was only one thing that he always eat...mac and that's what he got. then it was nap time which yesterday was disaterous. So we bribed and it worked. Wow, that got us to about 4 pm. He was a little better after his nap, so we decided to go see daddy at work. That made him happy, both of Picked up dinner on the way home, in which I figured out yesterday my son doesn't like hambugers. So I got him chicken and he actually ate. YAY!! The evening passed by realitively calm. Some minor issues with Riley and the water bowl...hmmm. The child loves water. And I love his bedtime.

Then My Gamecocks lost by 2 points during the last three seconds of the Clemson. Oh well at least we held our own!!! It so could have been worse, but we made some really stupid mistakes. Now with both kids in bed, most of the laundry done, I should be in bed but I just had to get on and type. Well try and type. I'm sure some of you...K...know how many times I must go back and fix my dyslexic typing. Well I hope that all of you are having a good night and I know that tomorrow will be a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the trials and tribulations of toddlers. Man, that's a lot of t's lol. Sorry your team lost :( Love ya!
