Saturday, November 10, 2007

Today is the day.....

Or that's what I keep saying. Today is always the day that I am going to start excercising, start taking vitamens, not let the laundry get backed up anymore and many other things. I realized that I am never going to be where I want to be in life if I just keep saying "Today is the day" and not actually starting anything. Well over the last few days I have started taking vitamens and I have been taking Riley to the park almost everyday!! I know that it has only been four days since I started doing these things but they say if you do it for a month it becomes a habit!! Lets hope that I can make it that long. I am famous about not finishing what I start, but I have to be a good role model for my kids. They are my life and I have to make myself better to help them!! I realized that I am not living up to my potential, so how can I expect my kids to. The laundry however, will probably never be caught up unless the family goes!!!! From now on though, Today will really be the day.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful point of view. Oh Lora, we are way to much alike.

    Love ya sis!
