Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My daughter!!

I can’t believe anyone could look at a child and not marvel at how they learn. Cassie can sit on her own for almost a minute before toppling over. I look at Riley, only 23 months older and all that he has accomplished and I am astounded. Their rate of learning is amazing. Cassie is almost rolling completely over and today tried to pull herself from a sitting up position to standing. Before I know it I will have two mobile kids with the energy of a power plant. I remember that I couldn’t wait for Riley to walk, did everything I could to help him get to that point. With Cassie I find myself not quite ready for her to get there. Since she will more than likely be my last baby it is as exciting as it is scary to see her learning these things that take her from babyhood to toddlerhood. I won’t hold her back and I am doing my best to help her grow and learn but I know that I will shed a tear or two when her feet finally start taking her where she wants to go.

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