Wednesday, November 28, 2007

When men revert...

to children. Why do they do this? How can normally average adult males go from 27 to 5 in about 3 seconds? As a good friend of mine says...they PMS. Why do they always PMS when I'm not. I finally get myself under control and there he What is it with men not getting their way causing fits. Women have more issues everyday and we don't throw tantrums every 5 seconds. Sorry had to vent. I wonder if it's our fault, the mothers that is? Do we raise these men to be this way or is it just genetic? Since I ahve a boy, I am going to blame gentics and pray that he never turns out that way!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How much I would like to think that little Riley would never do this, it's not reality. Ugh, men and their tantrums. I find it entertaining when they do this. Annoying as well.
