Friday, December 14, 2007

Cassidy is a

Kangaroo. She loves her bouncy seat and will no longer go into the stationary walker. SHe just wants to bounce. Even when she isn't in the bouncy seat her legs are constantly hopping!! If you stand her up she will try to hopp with you holding her. It is hilarious!!! Well funny, until you get tired of boucing and she still won't go to sleep. lol!! Oh well, I have no idea what she is going to do when she grows out of!

Constantly improving...NOT!!

The past few days have not been good for me personally. I just can't seem to get in a good mood and the slightest thing annoys me which when you have a 2 yr old and a six month old that won't nap...UGH is all I can say!!! I think that I am just going to try and survive the remainder of this year and make the most of next year. Oh and an update on my game is they have sent me these directions on what to do and I was worried that I would mess up my computer by doing it. Well today I decided to hell with it because I really want to fix it and alas, they tell me to do something that can't be done on my computer. They are telling me to look somewhere that doesn't exist. This is really about to make me cry, becasue I really just want to play my game and I don't think that that is to much to ask for.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

So I decorated Thursday night...

and I am really glad that I did. Riley loves the lights and the penguin decorations that we have on it. I was looking at it tonight, thinking that all the balls hanging all pretty and shiny. I was thinking that they are like hopes and dreams just hanging there waiting to be picked. For every decoration there is a hope or dream that I have for my kids. A good memory, a good day. This sounded a lot better in my head, but I guess you get my drift. I don't know if I have made the best choices in my life and I have more choices to make here in the near future that may affect my kids. I can only pray that those hopes and dreams hanging there now come true in the future and that I can be the best mother I can be to my kids. That they grow up happy and healthy and that my choices don't hurt them in the long run. I love them more than anything in the world and I can't imagine life without them. I just know that "Constantly Improving" is what I need to be doing more than ever right now.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

On a brighter note....

my baby is 6 months old. Has been for two days now. She had her 6 month checkup today and she is doing well. She is 20.6 ibs, which percentage wise is off the She is 27.5 inches tall which is in the 97%. She is very healthy. I can't believe that she is already 6 months old. It has passed by so very fast. Even faster when you consider that she has gone through a years worth of clothes in half the time. She is wearing 12-18 month clothes already. Needless to say she will be dwarfing her brother in no time if she keeps growing this way. Oh and I am starting her on solids today. She has had a bite or two before todays but really very little. Yay!!!! Well have to go feed the muchkins!!!

So it's December...

and Christmas is almost here. I am sitting here thinking how lucky I am to have my kids, my husband and my mom around me this time of year, but also missing my grandparents so much it is papable. We always did Christmas at their house and it was always so special. There were traditions that just can't be done now that they are gone. I know that they wouldn't want me to be upset that they are gone when I had so many years with both of them but I can't seem to help myself. I haven't yet decorated but will have it done by Sunday if it kills me. Maybe once I have it will help. I want to make Christmas as special for my kids as it was made for me. I want them to have that warm feeling no matter how bad the rest of the year may have gone. You should always for a few days have that peace, that feeling of love. I hope that all of you have a great Christmas and that you have that peace.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Christmas spirit...

I just can't find it so far this year. I really, really want to get into the spirit, especially for the kids. Money is tight, nothing new about this, but I am worrying more about it this year. I mean I know that the kids will want for nothing. Riley already has more toys then the law should allow and he wouldn't notice or care if we just got him one toy. But just decorating will take some funds, not to mention rearanging the furniture to make room for the tree. Oh and my kittens are in tear up the house mode which means I will have to keep them away from it. I wonder what it is like to be able to shop and not worry about how much you are spending. I mean we will be able to plenty, just not what I wish we could do. I love to give and just can't give the way I want to. Oh well. It will all work out, it always does, I just need that Christmas spirit!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

When days go right!

Wow, a day went right. Up early, for us anyway, everyone fed and changed and fairly happy. Got a shower with out too much hassle except that after I got out the shower curtain fell Watched a little tv while Riley played and Cassie went back to sleep. Got to chat with my dear sweet friend Kristin, who aparently got a kick out of my!!! Went to a local moms meetup groupand had a blast. I met 3 moms who were great and hopefully I will see them again next week. We walked 2 1/2 miles. Came home, my son actually ate lunch, and then he went to sleep for 2 and a half hours. Then *sigh* I let my MIL pick up Riley for the evening and Toby, Cassidy and I went to Wally world and then to dinner. It was nice. Then home. Boogie came home revved to the max, with a new toy. Got him setteled and in bed. Toby left for work and Cassidy went to bed. It was a calm, normal day. Wow.

When men revert...

to children. Why do they do this? How can normally average adult males go from 27 to 5 in about 3 seconds? As a good friend of mine says...they PMS. Why do they always PMS when I'm not. I finally get myself under control and there he What is it with men not getting their way causing fits. Women have more issues everyday and we don't throw tantrums every 5 seconds. Sorry had to vent. I wonder if it's our fault, the mothers that is? Do we raise these men to be this way or is it just genetic? Since I ahve a boy, I am going to blame gentics and pray that he never turns out that way!!!!

When kids surprise you....

Tonight Riley decided to get every car, block, and other toy he could find and put them on the floor in the livingroom and kitchen. I was not in the mood to argue and just figured that I'd clean it up when he went to bed. Well about 30 minutes before his bed time I told him to pick up his toys....and he did. He picked up everything without having to be constantly hounded. I just sat there stunned into silence. I almost started crying. It ahd been a crappy day and it was just heart warming to see him not fight me on something, I can't remember the last time he didn't at least say NO before doing what I asked. He really is such a sweet kid!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I survived today!!

Yes, I did, and I must say it wasn't easy.

Riley started off the morning well, for about an hour. Once breakfast was over, his inner demon came out. So when I could tolerate being in the house no more, I decided to tire him out. So around the block we went and kick the ball around the back yard. That tied us over to lunch. I decided there was only one thing that he always eat...mac and that's what he got. then it was nap time which yesterday was disaterous. So we bribed and it worked. Wow, that got us to about 4 pm. He was a little better after his nap, so we decided to go see daddy at work. That made him happy, both of Picked up dinner on the way home, in which I figured out yesterday my son doesn't like hambugers. So I got him chicken and he actually ate. YAY!! The evening passed by realitively calm. Some minor issues with Riley and the water bowl...hmmm. The child loves water. And I love his bedtime.

Then My Gamecocks lost by 2 points during the last three seconds of the Clemson. Oh well at least we held our own!!! It so could have been worse, but we made some really stupid mistakes. Now with both kids in bed, most of the laundry done, I should be in bed but I just had to get on and type. Well try and type. I'm sure some of you...K...know how many times I must go back and fix my dyslexic typing. Well I hope that all of you are having a good night and I know that tomorrow will be a great day.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving day!!

Lets say I am impressed by my husband. He and my mom were nice to each other, like friendly even. My husband got up to fry the turkeys without being yelled at. He didn't make fun of saying grace amd he even thanked my mom for making most of the sides. My son, well he was himself. He had a serious timeout that morning and would only eat cranberry sauce at dinner, but other than that he was good. Cassisy was great, she was saving it up for today, which was appropriately named black friday. My kids hate me and have voiced that all day. Maybe hate is too strong but they really want me to go nuts. Tantrums and screaming galore. Oh and my mom went out of town this morning so I have one more crazy animal to take care of this weekend. The sad thing is the dog is better behaved than my two crazy kittens. I am jealous though. Mom gets to go out of town and Toby is working from tonight until Sunday so i am all alone with the kids for over 36 hours and they are NOT on their best behavior. That means no break for mommy. So tonight is get myself in the right frame of mind so that I don't run screaming from my house tomorrow!!! LOL Only time will tell if my sanity will prevail!!!

Maybe Margaritas will help...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Customer service update....


Does that help any? I have coresponded with these lovely people at least 6 times and yet again they sent me a message saying that my date is off. I checked again...It's not off!!!!! Would it be to hard for them just to send me the darn game on disc, becasue they obviously have no idea what the blank is wrong with the darn thing. UGH!!! I wanna make some people "disapear" in my game!!! I really need the stress relief. Why can't they fix my game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, sorry about that. Just going nuts here. Oh wait, I already am nuts. Okay!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Alone time!?!?!

Periodically throughout the day all I can think of is having some alone time, but when I get it at the end of the day all I can do is think about when the kids get up. Most nights if I know Toby is working I call me mom and ask her to come over because I don't want to be alone, even though with two kids you never really are. My mom asked me today if I was afraid to be alone and I thought that was a silly question till I realized that I had shared her company almost every night for two weeks. To me however I have a lot of alone time. All day most days without a lot of "adult" conversation. Riley is trying to say more and more everyday, but there is still a lot of things that he says that I just can't understand and saying "no, don't do that" amd "yes, you can have that" all day just doesn't cut it. Sometimes I don't even want to talk I just want someone else there. Oh well, I am sure that when the kids are older I will be relishing the days when I didn't have to worry about them talking.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Some people just can't contain themselves.

Why do people do things that they know will hurt someone else? How can people not realize that they are crazy or live with themselves by pretending that they aren't? How do you not realize that every action has a reaction especially when you have kids? Why don't people know how to contain themselves? People, listen to yourselves and learn when to shut up because some of you just don't get it!!!

Just my opinion!!!

Think before you act and before you speak!!
Give a shit about other's feelings!!
If you can't do that then do the world a favor and stay the hell at home!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Customer service...

I am a Sims 2 addict but haven't been able to play in a while because a) I have a baby and b) since we got the new computer and redownloaded my games, the expansion pack that I bought online decided that it would no longer work. So I went to the support center is an EA game and wrote them. They sent me a letter telling me how to fix that problem. Okay worked...for about a week. Then a new glitch. I really believe part of it is because of Windows Vista, but who knows. So I wrote them again. So they wrote me back...with three things to check. I checked them all and they either didn't exsist or weren't wrong in the first place. I even made my dear hubby check. Well life got in the way and it was probably 3 months before I got around to writing again and explaining that those things hadn't worked...oh their support center was down for a while...every time I tried to write them. So what do they do...they send me the same list. Way to be on top of your support. So I patiently wrote them back saying...checked that already, anything else other than going out and just buying the damn thing in the store. they have now asked me for contact info so we will see what happens.

Oh and by the way I love EA games I am just annoyed at them right now. I have never until now had any problems with there games and they always get back to you quickly when you write them...I JUST WANNA PLAY MY GAME!!!

The oldest observation!

This is the oldest observation, but I have to make it! When you have plans, they well, never go as planed. I had finally made time to meet up with the online group of moms in my area at a park. Planned this for two weeks. Toby was supposed to be off but sleeping. Well yesterday he moved Riley's carseat to his truck so that he could take Riley with him to run errands...this is great. Problem, he never put it back and got called into work this morning...okay. He was only supposed to work 2 hours to help out another guy. That would have gotten him home with enough time for me to get the carseat and still get to the park on time. Problem, I was supposed to be there an hour ago and he is still at work. Now I feel bad because I made a commitment and am not there, plus Riley misses the park because now it's lunch then his nap. I might be able to take him after his nap but he won't be able to play with the other moms kids because they will be long gone. The next meetup that I can attend isn't for another two weeks. Oh well, I guess he will have to make do with!!!

My daughter!!

I can’t believe anyone could look at a child and not marvel at how they learn. Cassie can sit on her own for almost a minute before toppling over. I look at Riley, only 23 months older and all that he has accomplished and I am astounded. Their rate of learning is amazing. Cassie is almost rolling completely over and today tried to pull herself from a sitting up position to standing. Before I know it I will have two mobile kids with the energy of a power plant. I remember that I couldn’t wait for Riley to walk, did everything I could to help him get to that point. With Cassie I find myself not quite ready for her to get there. Since she will more than likely be my last baby it is as exciting as it is scary to see her learning these things that take her from babyhood to toddlerhood. I won’t hold her back and I am doing my best to help her grow and learn but I know that I will shed a tear or two when her feet finally start taking her where she wants to go.

My son!

It has started. My son thinks he’s smarter than I am. We were in the car and he was talking to me. He said something that I didn’t understand and I was asking him to explain it. When he had tried a couple of times to tell me, he just sat back and sighed and said “Oh mom”. I about died. I still have no idea what he was trying to say, which isn’t unusual since his pronunciation isn’t very good. One of these days I will be able to understand all his words. It’s amazing what kids pick up at the tender age of two!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Today is the day.....

Or that's what I keep saying. Today is always the day that I am going to start excercising, start taking vitamens, not let the laundry get backed up anymore and many other things. I realized that I am never going to be where I want to be in life if I just keep saying "Today is the day" and not actually starting anything. Well over the last few days I have started taking vitamens and I have been taking Riley to the park almost everyday!! I know that it has only been four days since I started doing these things but they say if you do it for a month it becomes a habit!! Lets hope that I can make it that long. I am famous about not finishing what I start, but I have to be a good role model for my kids. They are my life and I have to make myself better to help them!! I realized that I am not living up to my potential, so how can I expect my kids to. The laundry however, will probably never be caught up unless the family goes!!!! From now on though, Today will really be the day.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Mil Drama!!

I know that I am not the best person in the world but I get along with most people. My MIL though wants to make that impossible. She has lost her mind. I want so badly to have a good relationship with her for the sake of my kids but this woman is making it impossible! She aparently thinks that I don't know my butt from a whole in the ground and she certaintly thinks that she knows everything. Now if I can just figure out how to improve that situation with out comprimising my own values, my sanity and my feelings things would be nice. If I can't then I have to try and make it up to my son who will be really upset because he loves his Nana. But I am improving our lives in the fact that I won't have someone who constantly puts me down, telling me that I am a bad mother and doesn't respect how I am trying to raise my children. Someone who trys to control every aspect of our lives that she can to the point that she told me that I needed to change peditritions because she didn't agree with the doctor. This doctor has been with most of my kids since birth and has helped us more than I can say. She is great, but no one is good enough for my MIL unless she chooses them herself. So I am improving our lives by taking out a major stressor!!!! I just hope that my son will one day understand.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Me...Constantly Improving!!!

We all have our more than most so my goal is to constantly improve. You are never perfect so you can always improve. I want to be the best Mom, Friend, Wife, and Daughter that I can be. This blog will be how I go about improving and the falls along the way. Probably more falls than progress, but that is life. With a husband that is always working, a two year old and a five month patience is the first thing that needs to improve. I love my kids with all my heart and I am improving for them!!!